[mb-devel] Mock-up page for unified browse and search interface as GSoC 2015 project
Thanuditha Ruchiranga
2015-03-30 07:05:18 UTC

I have improved the mock-up I built for my idea on implementing the unified
search and browse interface as my GSoC 2015 project. I added features to

1. Allow specifying the born/founded and died/disbanded date ranges
manually rather than selecting from a given predetermined ranges list.
2. Allow searching for things like After 1988 and Before 2010 depending
on the partial inputs given the date range.
3. Allow specifying and adding tag constraints manually rather than
selecting from a predetermined given tags list.
4. Allow specifying number of releases manually rather than selecting
from a predetermined given list of ranges.

Though the tags can be inserted manually, I thought showing some
predetermined tags too since a new user might not know what a tag is and
what he should type in the box.
The initial list of countries was there earlier was removed since any user
would have an idea about what to enter there and showing a predetermined
list is not necessary.

The improved mock-up page is available from the following link.
I would love to hear your comments and ideas on it to improve it further.

Next I plan on implementing pagination, allowing to provide a specific date
in giving begin and end dates, showing up flags in front of the country
names appearing in the results and allowing to edit the query string at the
top and do the browsing from that itself.
*Ruchiranga Wickramasinghe*
Undergraduate | Department of Computer Science and Engineeing,
University of Moratuwa,
Sri Lanka.