[mb-devel] 'Create a unified browse and search interface' as a GSoC 2015 project
Thanuditha Ruchiranga
2015-03-21 16:55:03 UTC
Hi all,

I am a 2nd year undergraduate studying Computer Science and Engineering at
University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. I am a music lover as well that is why
MusicBrainz caught my interest in the first place.
I would would like to work on this
<http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/MBS-7789> improvement as a GSoC 2015

I have read the getting started page. I have added some albums to the
database too. Is there any other task that I need to complete for me to be
eligible to take on this project?
And if I am to send a draft proposal to the mailing list, is there any
format that the proposal should adhere to?

Robert Kaye
2015-03-23 10:43:35 UTC
And if I am to send a draft proposal to the mailing list, is there any format that the proposal should adhere to?
Plain text is much preferred over anything else. If you have diagrams or other things for us to look at, post a link to those things.



Robert Kaye -- ***@musicbrainz.org <mailto:***@musicbrainz.org> -- http://musicbrainz.org <http://musicbrainz.org/>