Lokesh Walase
2015-03-12 19:03:51 UTC
Hi all!
Kindly review my proposed features for the on-site notification
gsoc-proposal <http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/MBS-1801> :
N.B : Notification is henceforth abbreviated as notif.
*0. Notif. related to the edits :*
(a)After a editor creates a new edit, whatever actions( yes/no/comments )
that happen on that edit, the user will be sent a notif.
If any other editor triggers some action on a edit, she will also be
notified all future actions on the edit automatically.( default behavior )
For actions related to a edit, there won't be email option i.e compulsorily
notif. only.
(b) To stop notif :
Alongside the notif there will be option to do so.
*1.Notif. related to artists/subscribers/labels etc :*
(a) On clicking on the "subscribe" option, editor will get 2 options :
*Notification only
*Email only
Now for every edit that happens to the subscribed option, she will be
notified/emailed as per the setting.
(b) To stop notif :
Same as it happens now - click on "un-subscribe"
*2.Edit closed :*
After an edit is closed, unsubscribe all the actors from the edit.
( I think this will happen automatically, since edit page itself will be
sort of frozen, so no action will be triggered)
Basically, when a user checks her "subscriptions" page, that should be
*3.Notif Structure :*
(a) Edit on __ has __ yes votes
(b) Edit on __ has __ no votes
(c) User __ commented on edit __
i.e the notif. should be "grouped". The receiver should not get 1 notif.
per action on a given edit.
*4.Unread Notif :*
If someone has unread notifications for more than $x days, send them an
email anyway.
*Things I am exploring now : *
(a)Explore various settings options related to notif. on popular websites (
FB, Quora, Twitter) & find anything suitable to MusicBrainz
(b)Find out how notif. system can be build using python.
Kindly let me know if I'm moving in right direction.
*Doubts : *
(a)All above changes are from end-user's view.
Am I expected to do deeper analysis for the proposal?
What more points shall I brain-storm on? ( Database changes, new tables etc
(b)Lot of UI changes will be required for this proposal.
Is this *also* part of GSoC project?
(c)I'm not sure if I can implement all of the above features. I'm just
I am right now analysing the efforts required.
(d)What is the preferred UTC time for IRC chat?
~ Lokesh Walase
Kindly review my proposed features for the on-site notification
gsoc-proposal <http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/MBS-1801> :
N.B : Notification is henceforth abbreviated as notif.
*0. Notif. related to the edits :*
(a)After a editor creates a new edit, whatever actions( yes/no/comments )
that happen on that edit, the user will be sent a notif.
If any other editor triggers some action on a edit, she will also be
notified all future actions on the edit automatically.( default behavior )
For actions related to a edit, there won't be email option i.e compulsorily
notif. only.
(b) To stop notif :
Alongside the notif there will be option to do so.
*1.Notif. related to artists/subscribers/labels etc :*
(a) On clicking on the "subscribe" option, editor will get 2 options :
*Notification only
*Email only
Now for every edit that happens to the subscribed option, she will be
notified/emailed as per the setting.
(b) To stop notif :
Same as it happens now - click on "un-subscribe"
*2.Edit closed :*
After an edit is closed, unsubscribe all the actors from the edit.
( I think this will happen automatically, since edit page itself will be
sort of frozen, so no action will be triggered)
Basically, when a user checks her "subscriptions" page, that should be
*3.Notif Structure :*
(a) Edit on __ has __ yes votes
(b) Edit on __ has __ no votes
(c) User __ commented on edit __
i.e the notif. should be "grouped". The receiver should not get 1 notif.
per action on a given edit.
*4.Unread Notif :*
If someone has unread notifications for more than $x days, send them an
email anyway.
*Things I am exploring now : *
(a)Explore various settings options related to notif. on popular websites (
FB, Quora, Twitter) & find anything suitable to MusicBrainz
(b)Find out how notif. system can be build using python.
Kindly let me know if I'm moving in right direction.
*Doubts : *
(a)All above changes are from end-user's view.
Am I expected to do deeper analysis for the proposal?
What more points shall I brain-storm on? ( Database changes, new tables etc
(b)Lot of UI changes will be required for this proposal.
Is this *also* part of GSoC project?
(c)I'm not sure if I can implement all of the above features. I'm just
I am right now analysing the efforts required.
(d)What is the preferred UTC time for IRC chat?
~ Lokesh Walase