[mb-devel] automatically adding artists' subscriptions via python-musicbrainz2 or musicbrainzngs
Maximilian Bräutigam
2015-03-19 14:00:40 UTC
Dear all,

I generated a huge list (python pickled) of artists' IDs to which I want
to subscribe. Unfortunately, I cannot find the entry to do this.
Obviously, with python-musicbrainzngs I can add them to my collection,
but I want to subscribe to them.

Any comments, tips, and remarks are highly appreciated.

Best wishes,
Alastair Porter
2015-03-19 14:35:17 UTC
Hi Max,

You're right, the API doesn't support subscribing to entities, so we don't
expose that in musicbrainzngs.

Subscribing is just a matter of visiting a specific url:
while you are logged in. If you're comfortable with python-requests or
scrapy you could do this yourself.

Unfortunately the biggest problem is that these urls take row ids instead
of musicbrainz ids. We spoke about it a bit (
and the easiest way is probably to load the artist page, find the subscribe
link, and click on it automatically.
Meanwhile, we've filed some issues (
http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/MBS-8305) to make this easier in the

Post by Maximilian Bräutigam
Dear all,
I generated a huge list (python pickled) of artists' IDs to which I want
to subscribe. Unfortunately, I cannot find the entry to do this.
Obviously, with python-musicbrainzngs I can add them to my collection,
but I want to subscribe to them.
Any comments, tips, and remarks are highly appreciated.
Best wishes,
MusicBrainz-devel mailing list
Maximilian Bräutigam
2015-03-19 14:45:54 UTC
Hi Alastair,

thanks a lot for your answer. I was really afraid that the solution will
be so bloated since it means a lot of traffic and requests on the mb
database. Anyway, I do not see a better solution and just wanted to get
a second opinion on this.

Thank you very much again!
Best wishes,
Post by Alastair Porter
Hi Max,
You're right, the API doesn't support subscribing to entities, so we
don't expose that in musicbrainzngs.
while you are logged in. If you're comfortable with python-requests or
scrapy you could do this yourself.
Unfortunately the biggest problem is that these urls take row ids
instead of musicbrainz ids. We spoke about it a bit
and the easiest way is probably to load the artist page, find the
subscribe link, and click on it automatically.
Meanwhile, we've filed some issues
(http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/MBS-8305) to make this easier in
the future.
Dear all,
I generated a huge list (python pickled) of artists' IDs to which I want
to subscribe. Unfortunately, I cannot find the entry to do this.
Obviously, with python-musicbrainzngs I can add them to my collection,
but I want to subscribe to them.
Any comments, tips, and remarks are highly appreciated.
Best wishes,
Maximilian Bräutigam
2015-03-20 10:42:57 UTC
Post by Maximilian Bräutigam
Hi Alastair,
thanks a lot for your answer. I was really afraid that the solution will
be so bloated since it means a lot of traffic and requests on the mb
database. Anyway, I do not see a better solution and just wanted to get
a second opinion on this.
Thank you very much again!
Best wishes,
Post by Alastair Porter
Hi Max,
You're right, the API doesn't support subscribing to entities, so we
don't expose that in musicbrainzngs.
while you are logged in. If you're comfortable with python-requests or
scrapy you could do this yourself.
Unfortunately the biggest problem is that these urls take row ids
instead of musicbrainz ids. We spoke about it a bit
and the easiest way is probably to load the artist page, find the
subscribe link, and click on it automatically.
Meanwhile, we've filed some issues
(http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/MBS-8305) to make this easier in
the future.
Dear all,
I generated a huge list (python pickled) of artists' IDs to which I want
to subscribe. Unfortunately, I cannot find the entry to do this.
Obviously, with python-musicbrainzngs I can add them to my collection,
but I want to subscribe to them.
Any comments, tips, and remarks are highly appreciated.
Best wishes,
Just for completeness, here is what I did:

$ ./artistid2rownumber.py > rows
$ wget --save-cookies cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies \
--post-data 'username=eew4Weap&password=W4fkaVfj' \
$ ./subscribe.sh

It took about 1 hour or so for 1800 subscriptions.

Best wishes,
Ulrich Klauer
2015-03-20 11:40:48 UTC
Post by Maximilian Bräutigam
$ wget --save-cookies cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies \
--post-data 'username=X&password=Y' \
If that were real login data in your message, you should absolutely
change your password.

Maximilian Bräutigam
2015-03-20 12:02:38 UTC
Post by Ulrich Klauer
Post by Maximilian Bräutigam
$ wget --save-cookies cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies \
--post-data 'username=X&password=Y' \
If that were real login data in your message, you should absolutely
change your password.
Of course, it was not the real data. ;)
