[mb-devel] Dev chat reminder, issue 2e97f1e5-1e23-4353-b23b-e8f5bfd405fe
Statler & Waldorf
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
We've got our weekly dev chat on 2015-09-21 on IRC in #musicbrainz-devel on irc.freenode.net. We're going to meet at Regular Meeting Time [1] (19:00 UTC) [2].

If there is any topic you would like to discuss during the meeting, please add it to the agenda in the channel topic.

[1] http://musicbrainz.org/doc/Development_Chat
[2] http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20150921T19
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Don't even think of responding to this email. We won't answer! http://goo.gl/FSZdF
Jeff Weeks
2015-09-21 16:34:53 UTC
​This week:

I didn't get anything done. I'm hoping for a break in my school work to
allow me to get something done, but I'm primarily sending this to say that
I haven't forgotten about MusicBrainz and I'll get this done.

In the meantime, please give http://solr-test.musicbrainz.org:5000/ a try
and let me know if there is something you don't like. It might be easier
to find time to respond to a specific request than to generally dive into

Post by Statler & Waldorf
We've got our weekly dev chat on 2015-09-21 on IRC in #musicbrainz-devel
on irc.freenode.net. We're going to meet at Regular Meeting Time [1]
(19:00 UTC) [2].
If there is any topic you would like to discuss during the meeting, please
add it to the agenda in the channel topic.
[1] http://musicbrainz.org/doc/Development_Chat
[2] http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20150921T19
This message brought to you by https://github.com/mayhem/statler-waldorf
Don't even think of responding to this email. We won't answer!
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