I was away for the holiday from 7/2 through 7/6, so in the last 2 weeks
(aside from those days)...
I finished up defining schemas for existing cores and added the remaining
entities (event, freedb, instrument, url):
I added the above listed remaining entities to mb-solrquerywriter:
I'm in the process of adding the remaining entities to sir, but have found
it more difficult than I anticipated. I'm figuring it out, but I'm having
a hard time determining the SearchField path:
...determining the SearchEntity extrapaths:
...and writing the compatconverters for the remaining entities:
I was hoping/expecting to get the test server up by today, and I could have
it up but there would be no data in the newly added cores until I figure
out how to add them to sir. I have a server up and running on my local
machine and it appears to be functioning correctly, but I need to do some
testing. I'm going to try to get some help with sir from Ian and Weiland
this week and get the server up before next Monday. I allowed plenty of
time for testing and debugging, so while I'm behind on launching the test
server, I don't think it'll affect my goals.
Post by Statler & WaldorfWe've got our weekly dev chat on 2015-07-13 on IRC in #musicbrainz-devel
on irc.freenode.net. We're going to meet at Regular Meeting Time [1]
(19:00 UTC) [2].
If there is any topic you would like to discuss during the meeting, please
add it to the agenda in the channel topic.
[1] http://musicbrainz.org/doc/Development_Chat
[2] http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20150713T19
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