[mb-devel] Dev chat reminder, issue 1f63ddfe-000e-4f88-8d25-83be7f026044
Statler & Waldorf
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
We've got our weekly dev chat on 2015-08-31 on IRC in #musicbrainz-devel on irc.freenode.net. We're going to meet at Regular Meeting Time [1] (19:00 UTC) [2].

If there is any topic you would like to discuss during the meeting, please add it to the agenda in the channel topic.

[1] http://musicbrainz.org/doc/Development_Chat
[2] http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20150831T19
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Jeff Weeks
2015-08-31 16:52:59 UTC
So this week:

I spent most of my time testing/tweaking my edismax configuration for solr.

Mineo was super helpful in helping me with sqlalchemy and the artist_credit
and artist_credit_name entities and in getting the metric that I wanted for
popularity (which turned out being the sum of ref_count from all
artist_credits connected to an artist).

You can see the edismax configuration for the Artist entitiy here:

You can test this at the newly public (and definitely pre-alpha):

Note: the only search entity that really works is Artist. Now that I know
how things work, I think that the remaining entities should go more
quickly. So look forward to some new entities in the next week.

I'm in the process of upgrading Solr to 5.2.1 (or maybe 5.3) and installing
Solr as a service so I can lock down the Solr admin panel to local traffic.

I'm back in school starting today, so I'll be stretched a little more
thin...but I'm having fun with this so I'll be around as much as I can
making sure I see this thing through!

Post by Statler & Waldorf
We've got our weekly dev chat on 2015-08-31 on IRC in #musicbrainz-devel
on irc.freenode.net. We're going to meet at Regular Meeting Time [1]
(19:00 UTC) [2].
If there is any topic you would like to discuss during the meeting, please
add it to the agenda in the channel topic.
[1] http://musicbrainz.org/doc/Development_Chat
[2] http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20150831T19
This message brought to you by https://github.com/mayhem/statler-waldorf
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MusicBrainz-devel mailing list
Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren
2015-08-31 23:36:09 UTC
Seems I completely managed to forget the day of the week I live on, so I
missed the meeting. My weekly summary:

I answered a fair amount of support mails (mostly about the BBC and MB). I
also looked at a few small style tickets. Most relevantly for others, I
opened a discussion for http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/STYLE-473 (on
the style list and the forum). If anyone has some opinions or clear ideas
on what's the best way to deal with this kind of releases, I'd love to read
them :)
Post by Statler & Waldorf
We've got our weekly dev chat on 2015-08-31 on IRC in #musicbrainz-devel
on irc.freenode.net. We're going to meet at Regular Meeting Time [1]
(19:00 UTC) [2].
If there is any topic you would like to discuss during the meeting, please
add it to the agenda in the channel topic.
[1] http://musicbrainz.org/doc/Development_Chat
[2] http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20150831T19
This message brought to you by https://github.com/mayhem/statler-waldorf
Don't even think of responding to this email. We won't answer!
MusicBrainz-devel mailing list
Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren