[mb-devel] Dev chat reminder, issue 4e723fb2-4edd-4c15-89b2-cf8e55184c1d
Statler & Waldorf
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
We've got our weekly dev chat on 2015-07-20 on IRC in #musicbrainz-devel on irc.freenode.net. We're going to meet at Regular Meeting Time [1] (19:00 UTC) [2].

If there is any topic you would like to discuss during the meeting, please add it to the agenda in the channel topic.

[1] http://musicbrainz.org/doc/Development_Chat
[2] http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20150720T19
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Shadab Zafar
2015-07-20 18:19:53 UTC
I was AFK for most part of the week, busy preparing for and then
celebrating Eid:

I did make some finishing touches to the existing pulls though, like:
Adding Pagination to admin logs.
Archiving Spam Reports & Reviews instead of deleting them.

The plan is to create a cron job that will delete all reviews that
have been archived for the last 7 days or so.

This gives us some time to undo removal of reviews, and also ensures
that we're not unnecessarily keeping spam in the database.

I'll now start working on adding the Events entity...


Post by Statler & Waldorf
We've got our weekly dev chat on 2015-07-20 on IRC in #musicbrainz-devel on
irc.freenode.net. We're going to meet at Regular Meeting Time [1] (19:00
UTC) [2].
If there is any topic you would like to discuss during the meeting, please
add it to the agenda in the channel topic.
[1] http://musicbrainz.org/doc/Development_Chat
[2] http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20150720T19
This message brought to you by https://github.com/mayhem/statler-waldorf
Don't even think of responding to this email. We won't answer!
MusicBrainz-devel mailing list
Thanuditha Ruchiranga
2015-07-20 18:57:06 UTC
This week I...

1. Changed all the components which earlier had select options to check
boxes upon a discussion with my mentor.
2. Completed working on the fixes suggested by him on my last commit. (
3. Built a new react component allowing input of date ranges for
browsing. The component allows entering incomplete dates too like ones that
only have a year or ones that have only a year and a month. (4de1aae
4. Started working on building a react component to allow browsing from
Post by Shadab Zafar
I was AFK for most part of the week, busy preparing for and then
Adding Pagination to admin logs.
Archiving Spam Reports & Reviews instead of deleting them.
The plan is to create a cron job that will delete all reviews that
have been archived for the last 7 days or so.
This gives us some time to undo removal of reviews, and also ensures
that we're not unnecessarily keeping spam in the database.
I'll now start working on adding the Events entity...
Post by Statler & Waldorf
We've got our weekly dev chat on 2015-07-20 on IRC in #musicbrainz-devel
Post by Statler & Waldorf
irc.freenode.net. We're going to meet at Regular Meeting Time [1] (19:00
UTC) [2].
If there is any topic you would like to discuss during the meeting,
Post by Statler & Waldorf
add it to the agenda in the channel topic.
[1] http://musicbrainz.org/doc/Development_Chat
[2] http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20150720T19
This message brought to you by https://github.com/mayhem/statler-waldorf
Don't even think of responding to this email. We won't answer! http://goo.gl/FSZdF
MusicBrainz-devel mailing list
MusicBrainz-devel mailing list
*Ruchiranga Wickramasinghe*
Undergraduate | Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Moratuwa,
Sri Lanka.
Roman Tsukanov
2015-07-21 05:31:30 UTC
Didn't get a chance to be at the meeting, so here's my brief update.

I made several improvements to admin interface on MetaBrainz website. It
still needs some tweaks, so I'll work on that some more this week.

I also updated recording summary view on AcousticBrainz. Now it's possible
to view high-level and low-level data from each submission. Layout has been
improved as well. See