Thanks for your helpful advice.
doing that right now.
As you said, the biggest problem is that the training set is too small.
upon luck. So a tool to crowd-source training set is in urgent need and Iâm
interested in developing it. I have the experience of online manual
users is a good choice. User can tag for a piece of music while listening
to it.
client. The server just receives the tagging attributes and the
client. After that, the mapping is converted into a form that our existing
tools can understand.
form without listening to music. In that case, all that the client needs to
difference on music mood through the tool. The only additional thing we
location\character into consideration. When users build the mappings
through the tool, they could add the basic information of themselves. Then
emotion perception by using existing algorithms.
Look forward to your feedbacks and suggestions.
Post by Alastair PorterHi Kang,
Thanks for the update on your project.
As we explained in the blog post, the results we reported are
automatically extracted given our existing models. Some subsequent research
that we've done indicates that many of the labels don't match with other
ground truth that we've gathered (e.g., tags on that
represent mood).
We do some feature selection as part of the training process, although
I don't know all of the details of that part of the system. You can read
You mention that arousal/valence has an advantage because you are able
to create only one model, but I'm not sure that this is a strong enough
argument on its own to use this rating system instead of independent
models. One thing we're trying to do with AcousticBrainz is to put more
"human" labels to the data that we're extracting. So, while I can see some
of the value about rating songs in AV space, we still have an interest in
specific labels as well.
I agree that finding training data for such a large dataset can be
difficult. Our experience has been that training sets of only a few hundred
samples are not giving us very promising results when applying the model to
millions of unknown tracks, even if the evaluations on a small testing set
show good results. We are planning on building some more tools to
crowd-source training sets, but this still ongoing (and also one of our
projects for SoC)
Are you interested in a specific project for AcousticBrainz for Soc?
- It's difficult for us to get additional low-level features (since
we would need to ask the community to recompute them for us), so if you
wanted to do some model generation, the easiest source of data is the
features that we already have
- We're not very interested in small improvements in classifier
accuracy over small training/testing datasets, as we've seen that this
doesn't appear to scale very well.
A combination of large-scale data collection plus a specific
improvement to a single classifier might be a good task.
Post by Cai KangHi Alastair,
Thanks for your attention.
*Description of âEmotion in musicâ task *
The task is the continuous emotion characterization task. The
emotional dimensions, arousal and valence (VA), should be determined for a
given song continuously in time. The quantization scale will be per frame
(e.g., 1s). It will provide a set of music licensed under Creative Commons
from Free Music Archive with human annotations. Participants upload the VA
predictions of testing set. The goal is to make the Pearson correlation as
high as possible and root mean square error as low as possible.
*Description of Dataset*
It uses an extension of 744 songs dataset developed for the same task
at Mediaeval 2013. The annotations are collected on Amazon Mechanical Turk.
Single workers provided A-V labels for clips from our dataset, consisting
of 744 30-second clips, which are extended to 45 seconds in the annotation
task to give workers additional practice. The labels will be collected at
1Hz. Workers are given detailed instructions describing the A-V space.
*Our working note*
Our approach is also to use âlow-level featuresâ + âSVRâ. For
modeling the continuous emotions better, we adopted the âCCRFâ model. Our
results shows a high Pearson correlation and low root mean square error. In
fact we also test other regression such as NN, KNN, but the performances of
them are not better than SVR+CCRF. But CCRF canât be adopted for static
emotion directly.
*About the emotion topic*
For the first part, I honestly donât have an idea how to collect a
large training set with reasonable distribution for now. And I am curious
about how the existing 650,000 tracks's labels come from. However, I think
regarding emotion as a two-dimension space is a good way to build only one
model instead of building one model for each mood. "Arousal" is the
level/amount of physical response and "valence" is the emotional
"direction" of that emotion. The image below shows details.
For the second part, I can see the low-level features you present are
complete, but they also make the dimension of features too high, which may
lead to over fitting and ask for larger dataset. I donât know whether you
have adopted some dimensionality reduction methods such as PCA, LDA, NMF.
These may help. And for features, DNN may be a good way for exploring a
method of better performance. For classifier, maybe some types of neural
networks have a good performance. As far as I am concerned, long short-Term
memory based recurrent neural network (LSTM RNN) have advantages in music
emotion classification or regression.
Best regards,
Post by Alastair PorterHi Kang,
Thanks for your email.
Do you have more results about your emotion in music task? What was
your goal, and what did your results show?
And discovered that our existing results are not that great. We
definitely want to address this topic more.
For us, there are two parts to any of these training problems. The
first part is to find a dataset that is representative of our topic. As you
have pointed out, there may be a problem with using small datasets on a
collection as large as AcousticBrainz.
Do you have any ideas how we could collect a large training set?
The second part to address is the actual training method. We're
currently using SVM, with automatic feature selection based on the features
present in our low-level data. Maybe you also have some ideas here about
which training method is most effective. What did your results in your
project show?
Post by è¡åº·Hi,
My name is Kang Cai, graduate student of Peking University, major
in audio information processing. Half a year ago, I took part in
âEmotion in Music â task in âMediaEval 2014â and achieved good results.
Recently, I want to participate in GSoC 2015. After searching for a
long time, I finally find the interesting project âAcousticBrainzâ.
The projectâs main idea is to realize automatic tagging for music
through semi-supervised machine learning. For me, this project has three
major challenges. The first one is how to work well with existing
algorithms to realize it. The second one is the âbig dataâ, which is
different from the small dataset I used for experiment in my lab. The last
one is this is my first time to apply for online cooperative project, kind
of excited. Although Iâm not familiar with the existing framework of this
project, I wish I could have the chance to work on it.
Best regards,
Kang Cai
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